Our friendly and dedicated instructors are passionate about Wing Chun. Over many years our talented instructors have invested hundreds, even thousands of hours into practicing and developing their Wing Chun skills.
Our Senior instructors continue to master their art with annual visits to Hong Kong to learn from the Wing Chun Grand Masters.
Greg Mckinnon

The current owner and Principal Instructor Greg McKinnon began training in 1985 and has ran the school since 2003 after the passing of his master
Since this time Greg has trained with his ‘Sigung’ Jim Fung of the International Wing Chun Academy and also has travelled many times to Hong Kong to train with his ‘Tai Sigung’ Chu Shong Tin, who is the longest serving student of the famous Ip Man.
It is Greg’s aim to teach Wing Chun unaltered as passed down to him from his peers.